Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Health Insurance is an intangible asset. Earlier it was Roti, Kapda aur makan. Now it should be Roti, kapda aur Insurance. Life is very cruel to those who don’t have it. Planning helps when no one helps. Hospitals take special care of those who have health insurance coverage because the patient thinks that the Insurance company would be whatever bill comes. 

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The proposer should be very cautious while buying the Health Insurance policy. No Health Insurance company pays 100% of claims.  There are many non-payable things would be there in the Hospital bill which the Health Insurance company may not pay.

Corporate Health Insurance

Corporate health Insurance coverage is not enough to cover the employee, spouse, children and parents. Due to the Government’s compulsion, Corporate Companies provide health Insurance coverage to their employees and their family.

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Please read: Post-lockdown, employers must mandatorily provide medical insurance to employees.

Never feel great and depend on Company’s Insurance coverage. Corporate companies give 3 to 5 lakhs health cover to their employee, spouse and children. In today’s circumstances, the coverage may not b enough. In many companies, the Corporate Policy doesn’t cover parents. This is mainly because of old age and the company doesn’t want to pay more.  Employees should have their own personal health Insurance cover of a minimum of Rs 10 lakhs. 

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Each and every health Insurance company had posted non-payable items list on their respective websites. The Proposers should go through the list before signing the Health Insurance forms.

Health Insurance Quotes

Before buying any Health Insurance plans, please buy after collecting all information. Never buy online from Web sales executives who simply sell Health Insurance plans. Personal interaction with the Advisor is a must before buying any Insurance plan.

There are many advantages and disadvantages which a professional only can tell you. Online Website employees who sell you the Health plan never remember you after selling the policy.

After buying an online Insurance policy, whenever you want any services, your interaction would be with a new person over the phone.  

Buy Health Insurance, call 9886568000